If you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase and you send it back within 30 days, we’ll give you a full refund. Send an email to info@solidstateformen.com, quoting your order number and explaining the reason you weren’t satisfied. (Unfortunately, ‘still no phone numbers’ is not a valid reason).

Gifted your order to a friend? Unfortunately we can’t offer refunds if your friend doesn’t like it and throws it back in your face! We’d ditch that friend too. If they love the product but just not the fragrance, we’d be happy to organise an exchange for them though. Get them to reach out to us at info@solidstateformen.com quoting your order name & number.

The bad news: You’ve received a product that’s arrived defective or damaged. The good news: We replace all faulty items within 30 days of purchase. If this has happened to you, email us at info@solidstateformen.com.

Why would you want to do that? Anyway, we offer a generous 30-day trial period, so you can get to know your products on an intimate level, and see if you click. If you’re still not in love after 30 days, you can return your product for a refund — even if you’ve used it. Just note return postage costs are not covered by us and we recommend using a standard service that offers tracking, for peace of mind that your order comes safely back to us. If we don’t receive it, we can’t give you your money back. *Refunds not available on sample kits.

Send your product (with your name and order number) to the address below, and send your email (with your order number and date of shipment) to info@solidstateformen.com.

Solid State

13 Waterloo Rd
Collingwood VIC 3066


Can't find what you need above? Send us an email.